Our Team
Richard Bates
Richard Bates founded Environmental Permitting Consultants Inc (EPC) in 1995. His vision and leadership have guided EPC for over 25 years. Richard’s primary areas of expertise include field ecology and regulatory analyses. However, Richard also has marketing experience with private sector consultants, regulatory and natural resource agencies, and academic institutions.
- MSPH in Environmental Science, University of South Carolina
- B.S. in Public Health, University of South Carolina
Professional Affiliations
- Professional Wetland Scientist, Registration Number 000286
- Society of Wetland Scientists
- Association of State Wetland Managers
- American Water Resources Association
- Carolina Ecosystem Alliance - Board Member
- OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste Training
- Cumulative Impact Assessment in Southeastern Wetland Systems
- US Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual Training
- Pesticide and Industrial Chemical Risk Analysis and Hazard Assessment
Mitigation Senior Manager
Neil Collins
Neil Collins joined EPC in 2000, fresh out of college. In his 20+ years at EPC he has developed a level of expertise in every aspect of the services we offer. He is responsible for mentoring wetland delineation field scientists, overseeing protected species habitat assessments, and directing all mitigation and restoration activities, including mitigation banks. Neil’s skill and patience, along with his deeply rooted understanding of our history, make him an invaluable asset to EPC.
- B.S. in Biology Lander University
Professional Affiliations
- International Society of Arboriculture - Certified Arborist
Registration Number SO-6150A - Co-host of the San Souci Community Garden Concert Series
- Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation and Management Training
- NCSU River Course Level I - Stream Classification and Assessment
- NCSU River Course Level II - Stream Restoration Design Principles
- NCSU River Course Level III - Advanced Stream Restoration Design Principles
- NCSU - Stream Restoration Construction Training
- Rosgen Level I - Applied Fluvial Geomorphology
- Rosgen Level II - River Morphology and Applications